Sunday, July 6, 2014

4th of July Weekend

So for the 4th of July, my parents offered to fly Scott and I home to spend the holiday with them, which we were super grateful for. I always love going to visit my family, but it's so much nicer when Scott doesn't have school and can come too :). On Friday, we started the day by visiting the Shoshone Falls in Twin Falls, I thought we had taken Scott there before, but apparently we hadn't. He thought the falls were pretty cool! they were looking pretty good that day :). After that we just hung out at home and waited to meet up with the rest of my extended family to watch the fireworks at my dad's shop :). The "biggest show in Idaho" did  not disappoint! Although it's a way cooler firework show to watch if you're actually up at the fairgrounds, but I just can't seem to talk my family into going up there. Oh well, maybe someday! Saturday just consisted of lounging around, going to Costco (the only grocery store where you walk out full), going to see the new transformers movie (which was really good but way too long), and ended with the traditional family "mexican train" game night :). We flew home early this morning and are glad to be home and unpacked! It was an awesome weekend and we're so glad we got to spend it with family :)