Thursday, August 28, 2014

A week of summer vacation!

Well it has been quite awhile since I have written a blog post, so my apologies. There just hasn't been anything super exciting going on to write about! But this last week was Scott's week off of school before he started his fall semester (how would you like to only have a week of summer vacation??) Let me tell you, I definitely took advantage of him being home! We went on numerous trips to the grocery store (which I'm sure he just loved), cleaned the house, went to the gym, baby-proofed, had a couple of date nights and finished the week off with a family movie night under a fort! (Junk food included). Well, that's all we have for today, but make sure to keep your eyes out for blog updates, this semester is a pretty exciting one at the Bentley house! We have my birthday, Scotts birthday, thanksgiving, Christmas, and most importantly... Princess Sophia turns one! Soooo exciting!

The Bentley's