Saturday, November 1, 2014

Family Time, First Birthday, and.... Christmas in November? :)

Hello everyone!
October was such a busy month here at the Bentley home. We have had our family here with us for the past 3 weeks! Not going to lie, today has been reeeeally nice because things are back to being normal and it being just the three of us again (sorry, family. We love you guys so much! :)). Everybody came down to celebrate Sophia's first birthday with her! It was awesome :). First off, we had Scott's dad, his wife Melanie and her daughter, linzy, come and stay with us first. While they were here, we opened presents, went to the park, went on lots of walks, visited Sports Authority Field, went to the temple, and just hung out with everyone and had a great time :).

The cutest little pink puff coat ever!! Thanks grandma and grandpa!

We had an awesome time with Brad, Melanie and Linzy, and can't wait to see them all again at Christmas!

The next family that came to stay with us was my family. My dad, mom and sister all came out (my little brother couldn't miss school for the trip, so unfortunately he had to stay behind). My dad's cousin Dave also came out for the first day so that he and my dad could go to a Broncos game! They had a blast (refer to my Facebook and/or Instagram pages to view the selfies they took, haha). While they were visiting, we did lots of shopping and prepping for little miss's birthday party. We did get to take some time off on Saturday to go to the zoo in Colorado Springs and take my parents to Tucanos (mine and Scott's favorite restaurant) since they had never been :).

This picture cracks me up! It's perfect :)

She loved the giraffes!

Her first carousel ride :) 

 Then came the big day! On monday, October 27th, we celebrated Sophia's birthday and had a party with a few friends from our ward! (Shout-out to my mom and dad who drove me around all day and helped me get everything set up while Scott was at school). The party turned out great, but to everyone's disappointment, Sophia HATED her cake! It's still sitting on the counter, wrapped in tin foil. So sad, we all stressed pretty hard over that dumb cake :(. 

He was a trooper and took over the job of icing the cake... and all 30 cupcakes :).

"Dad, this is disgusting! It's making me gag!"

Such a pretty cake! good thing it didn't get touched, right??

"You want me to touch that??"
Hah! Those cake pictures kill me. Little Stinker ;). We had an awesome time with my family as well, and we get to see them again in just 4 short weeks for Thanksgiving!

And lastly, Scott's mom and little sister drove out and made it to our house last Tuesday. Since Scott had to be at school so much while they were here, I thought it was only appropriate that we all go and have a girl's day and go shopping around the city :). We all had a great time. Then last night, we all bundled up and took Sophia out for her first trick or treating experience! She was such a trooper! She giggled every time someone opened their door, which in turn made them laugh (and so they gave us more candy. Go Sophia!). Everyone thought she was the cutest, and it was so fun to watch her! I think Halloween is now tied with Christmas for my favorite holiday, just because now we get to take this cute little trick or treating :)
Sophia all dressed up and ready to go! Cutest witch I've ever seen :).

Our new rocking chair that GG Hanson made for us :)

And the battle for who she cheers for is no longer. Thanks to aunt Ana, the team has been chosen!

"Well aren't you just adorable?!"

"So much candy! Just one piece?"

My favorite picture of the night :) Thanks to Tami for capturing it!
So. Much. Fun! Scott's mom and his sister headed out this morning. Thanks for the visit you two, we will see you at Christmas! :)

So after Scott's family left this morning, we decided to... put all of our Christmas decorations and tree up! Scott has the whole month of December off of school, so we will be spending it between Idaho and Utah with our families. We figured since we wouldn't get to enjoy it during December, the month of actual Christmas, that we would celebrate it now :).Christmas in November... it totally works :).

"Can I help you guys?"

"Nevermind, I'm just going to watch TV".

 Oh how I love Christmas!
Well, that's all for now! Thank you to all of our families who took the time to come and see us and celebrate Sophia's birthday :). We love you all and we will see you for the Holidays!
Thanks for reading!