Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A month of Christmas adventures!

Wow, it has been a super long time since I have blogged! I almost forgot my password (Again-that's how we got the new blog, haha). It's been so long because we have pretty much been out of town since Thanksgiving. We were with my family for Thanksgiving for a week, flew back to Denver for a week so Scott could take his finals, Then we loaded up everything we owned (ok, that's an exaggeration, but those suitcases sure felt like it!) and headed home for Christmas! Scott got the whole month off of school for Christmas break, so we broke the time up as 2 weeks with each family. Since it was Scott's family's turn to have us for Christmas, we flew in to Idaho first, spent our time there with my family, then headed to Utah for Christmas and the remainder of our break. I'm not going to lie, we were both pretty excited to come home, and not because we don't like our families, we loved getting to spend so much time with everyone! (after all, we hardly ever get to see them since we decided to be grown ups and move away :)). It was just really nice to get back into our routine and schedule, and especially get Sophia back into her routine. Man, vacations are hard on little ones! Especially month-long vacations! and on top of that, the poor thing got sick at the very last stretch of the break (so did Scott, and his family. I luckily dodged that bullet). But nevertheless, our break was wonderful! We got to spend time with all of our family, and we were able to do so many fun things while we were home! Shopping, riding the polar express, Christmas parties, going to the zoo, sledding (well, trying to sled in 4 feet of snow, hehe), watching  movies and just relaxing. It was great! And of course, what would a Christmas blog be without a few pictures? :)

Our first year playing Santa. Yay!

Yes, it's a Polaroid camera! I am like a little kid, I take pictures of everything! 

And I thought my knock-off palette was good... Wow!

Scott got a new racket, so it's only fitting that he should have to teach me to play, right??

Ok, this was my "santa gift", if you will. Guys, I literally screamed when I opened this,
and was on the verge of crying. I have wanted a kitchen-aid for FOREVER. I indeed, was just like a kid on Christmas :). 

My mom attempted to teach Scott and I how to use an embroidery machine... #fail

The Polar Express!

We, we... We so excited!

Santa likes parents too!

Sophia LOVES yogurt!

Her new smile! She kills me.

This was a really cool bridge that was decked out in lights at Zoo Lights in Utah :)

See, I take pictures of everything! She loved Santa!

Our first sledding adventure as a family! We were so excited....

... And then we saw that this is what we were "sledding" in. Talk about a work-out! But it was still very fun :)

Sophia found that she really likes basketball!


And then sickness struck. Luckily everyone is feeling better.
* I didn't get a picture of it (I don't know how that happened, I'm snap-happy), but Scott's dad got Scott and his brother Colbey these super awesome mini-grills, and we are so excited to use it! I'll post a picture when we get it, we just have to wait for it to be delivered. Which brings me to...

Isn't it cute? Not sure why it looks like it's two different colors of paint... #badcamera

OUR NEW CAR!!! So we have been looking for a new, family-sized car for awhile now, and enlisted my dad for help. We had found a few in the past, but then we never acted on them because they just didn't feel right. I have always wanted a Nissan Murano, because I think they are just the cutest, and the perfect mom car! So when we got to pocatello for Christmas with my family, my dad told me that he had gotten ahold of... A white, Nissan Murano. I freaked out, and without even looking at it, screamed "YES! WE'LL TAKE IT!". Scott and I drove it around for the time that we were in Pocatello, and at the end decided that we needed that car. So my dad worked his Mr. Car Man magic, and long story short, we now own a Nissan Murano! My dream mom car! We are meeting up with my parents this friday to trade them my car and pick up the Murano, and that is how all of our big Christmas presents (and really anything that didn't make it into the suitcases) are getting to us. It'll be like having Christmas all over again! yay! haha :)

We had such an awesome break, and we just want to thank our families for everything they did for us while we were home, giving us an awesome Christmas, and allowing us to relax and enjoy our vacation. You guys are the best, and we love you!!!

But, like all good things, they must come to an end. Yesterday, Scott started back to School. #Backtoreality. He did, however, bring up that after this semester, we only have four more to go, two of which are internships, and then we are DONE! It made me think about what 2015 will be like, and I can honestly say I'm looking forward to it. Scott has to make it through this spring semester, and then we get to take off for 8 weeks and go somewhere (not sure where yet, haha) for him to do his first internship. Then we come back for the months of august, september, october and part of november, and then from december to march, we are gone doing his second internship. So in a way, it's like we get two more vacations! (vacations where you have to work... sorry babe :/). And then after that, it's one more summer semester and we are done! It's the light at the end of the tunnel! :) 2014 was a great year for us, so many wonderful things happened and we were so blessed, so we can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for our little family :).

Well, that's it for this blog update! Thanks for reading, and everyone have a HAPPY NEW YEAR! (I know i'm late on the draw, but month-long vacation, remember? Still playing catch-up, i'm not even sure what the date is today :)).
