Monday, February 16, 2015

A Day of Love, a Day of Sledding, and some updates!

Hey all! It's been a little while since I last blogged, so I figured I would give an update! First off, I'm blogging on our brand new MacBook Pro!!! Scott's computer finally bit the dust, and we decided to invest our money in something that we knew would last, and after quite a bit of research we caved and crossed over to the dark side (aka the Apple side. We thought we could escape it by getting rid of our iPhones, but we ended up coming back, haha). We love it, it is seriously the nicest computer ever!  Worth every penny :).
Isn't it pretty??
So this last week we celebrated Valentine's Day. We actually celebrated it on Friday, because we figured everything would be packed on Saturday. We left Sophia with a babysitter and went out to dinner at the Old Chicago Pizza restaurant (they have the most AMAZING pizza; I highly recommend it), and then went out to Ben and Jerry's for dessert. Yum :). On Saturday, we exchanged gifts in the morning, and then just spent the day together as a family. we cooked dinner after Sophia went to bed and had a nice romantic dinner :). It was a nice, relaxing weekend that I really enjoyed. I love those little Holidays :).
fabric roses that my mom helped me make. They're so cute and won't die!

My mom also has this super amazing friend that sometimes makes me wood letters for the holidays. She's awesome!

Sophia got a V-Day balloon from her Valentine!

We had secret admirers heart-attack our door and leave cute soda cans on our front step!

So it has snowed the past couple of days here in Denver, so today we decided that we wanted to take Sophia sledding. It was great... until we started to sled. She hated it! (How is it that MY child hates the snow??). We only got about 5 runs in before we had to call it quits, but Scott and I still enjoyed it :) and I enjoyed the pictures I got of Sophia; they're going to look great in her wedding video someday!

They are adorable :)

"Mom! pick me up!"

He thought he could surf down the hill... this was the result.

"K mom, i'm done!!!"
As for the update: We're doing great here in Colorado! Scott is staying busy with school and Soph and I are discovering new things to do everyday. We recently discovered that Sophia LOVES parks, she would spend hours there if I would let her. She is a natural, she climbs all over the toys and goes down the slides be herself and everything!

She is the cutest :). We recently just got back home from Idaho. We went to see my dad after he got in his accident. I'm happy to report that he is doing so much better. He's walking and talking better and seems to be healing up great! He's a trooper :).
We also found out a week ago that we will be staying here in englewood for Scott's first internship that he has to do for school. We were kind of hoping to get one in an area that we have thought about moving to, but we're still very happy that he got one so close to home and that we won't have to move and pay rent on an empty apartment for 8 weeks :). He starts in May so I'll let you know how it goes!

I think that is all for us now, but to sum it all up: life is going great for us here in good old Colorado :). Thanks for reading!