Monday, April 13, 2015

All things Easter!

Wow, has it really been almost two months since I last blogged? yikes! We're just that busy I guess. It's a good thing that our lives aren't super exciting, so that there really isn't anything being missed by not blogging for two months, huh? ;). Well to start off, I was finally able to buy a super great camera! I had been wanting a new camera for awhile, just to have to take nice, quality pictures of our little family, and we were finally in a good position to buy one. I ended up getting a Nikon D3200, and I love it! All of the pictures from here on out will be taken using that camera, so enjoy :).

So mainly all that has happened is that we got to celebrate Sophia's first actual easter! (She was so little last year, and we were in denver looking for a house, that we didn't really get to celebrate it last year). So first we had an easter egg hunt with our friends from our park play group. All of the kids really enjoyed that :). After that, Scott and I decided that it would be fun to host our own Easter egg hunt with the friends that we have here in Denver, since almost all of them are medical students and live away from family like we do. The turn out was awesome! The kids (and adults) loved it :).

After all of the easter egg hunts were done, we finally got around to Easter itself. The Easter bunny made a stop at our house, we spent the day watching conference, went to a friend's house for breakfast, and then made our very own, first easter dinner all by ourselves :). We made ham, funeral potatoes, a fruit salad, homemade rolls and apple pie. It was delicious!

And now, pictures for your enjoyment :).

This is tristan :) He and Sophia are best buds; it is the cutest thing!

Scott had food in his mouth, so that's why his smile looks... full :)

Sophia and her friends Emma, Dixie and Tristan on Easter morning at breakfast :)

There's that awesome ham that we made!

and our little kitchen helper; isn't she cute?

Reading a book to her daddy!

Easter was fantastic! Thanks to all of our friends that participated in our little egg hunt that we put on; it was a blast!
Well Scott is 2 weeks away from being done with his first year of Physical Therapy school! I seriously can't believe that we have already lived in Denver for a year! Where has the time gone? And then he starts his first internship on May 4th here in Denver (it's actually in Parker but... same thing). Looking at it now, we're super glad that we get to stay in Denver for this one instead of traveling. Now we won't be paying rent on an empty apartment :). Things worked out just how they needed to.
Well that's all that we have for now! Next on the agenda: Another trip to Utah/Idaho! yippee! :) Thanks for reading!