Thursday, October 15, 2015

Our Estes Park Adventure & other fun things :)

Hello All!
So this last weekend, Scott surprised Sophia and I by taking us to Estes Park. This was a huge deal! (at least to me, anyways. Haha). This was a big deal to me because it meant I got to check an item off of my bucket list: Visit The Stanley Hotel. Many of you probably saw the picture I posted on instagram and Facebook, but I'll explain again why this is so cool! The Stanley is the hotel that inspired Stephen King to write "The Shining". He stayed at the hotel, and then was so intrigued by all of the "activity" at the hotel that he wrote a book about it! It was later turned into a movie (Here's Johnny!), and is one of my favorite scary movie/book combos ever! I was seriously so excited when I found out that it was only 2 hours away from us!

It was pretty cool to get to see it in person! (And yes, people do stay there! It's actually a very popular hotel, but pricey as well. Room rates start around $300 a night. Totally worth it i'm sure!).

After we went and saw the hotel, we drove across the street to a little meadow where a group of elk decided to just hang out! You could walk right up to them (the park ranger didn't recommend it, though, and kept telling everyone about a man that was attacked the previous week for doing just that. We kept our distance). Then we went and ate lunch at this super great Mexican restaurant, walked down to mainstreet and bought some taffy, and just enjoyed the sites before we headed home! Estes Park was so beautiful, and I would definitely recommend it as a place to visit!

So a couple days before the Estes Park adventure, I surprised Scott with an early birthday gift: An acoustic Fender! He has been talking about wanting one for a really long time, and I came across a store that was having a fall clearance sale, so I practically stole it. I couldn't pass it up and didn't really have a good place to hide it until December, So he got it just a couple months early! He loved it, and has played it everyday since. I guess i'm a pretty awesome wife ;).

And two days ago, I found out that I am not completely inept when it comes to sewing! I have struggled with sewing for awhile, but I came across a pattern for a zipper bag that looked easy enough, so I went for it! turns out: I'm not horrible at making these cute little bags! Mine turned out really well, and when I posted a picture of it, I had lots of people contact me and tell me that they wanted to buy one from me! what??! Two days ago I couldn't sew at all, and now i'm selling sewing projects that I made??? such a cool feeling! I've sold six bags in the past 2 days, and I am planning to just keep making more to sell, so be sure to watch for those on Instagram and Facebook since that's where I'll post them! I'm in the process of learning how to make other bags and things as well, such as wallets, checkbook covers, totes, clutches, etc. and once I get good at making those they will be up for grabs as well :).

Well that concludes this blog post; stay tuned for more fun adventures! Thanks for reading!