Saturday, May 31, 2014

Our nightly 'Office' ritual

So ever since we got to Denver, Scott and I have formed this nightly "ritual" that we do. After we put Sophia to bed, we grab a treat, cuddle with a blanket and watch "The Office" together on netflix. It's something that we both find ourselves looking forward to each night :). It's just a nice feeling to know that after a long day of school and baby entertaining that we will get a couple of hours just for us doing something that we both enjoy. I highly recommend doing something like this to all other couples who have children, because it's awesome :). Well, there's my random blog post for the week! enjoy! :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

We love the pool!

So as I mentioned in the first blog post, our apartment community has a wonderful resort-like swimming pool. It just opened up over memorial day weekend, and we have been down at it every day since! haha :). Our little Sophia is a fish; she loves the water! It took her a little while to get used to the pool because the water was freezing at first, but with the weather warming up (it was 92 degrees today!), she has gotten used to it and now really loves to hang out at the pool!

We also took a trip to the Denver aquarium today. Not going to lie, Scott and I were very disappointed with it. It was pretty expensive for parking and admission and it took us maybe twenty minutes to walk through all of it. I took pictures for the sake of having them, but we didn't really enjoy and won't recommend it to anyone. Definitely a big let-down after the awesome zoo experience!

 ps- I finally got time to play around with my nikon camera and got the image quality to finally look decent, so I'm so happy to be able to take good quality pictures since my iphone camera got scratched up and has awful image quality. hooray for good pictures! expect lots of them :).


Monday, May 26, 2014

A day at the Zoo

So this last week, a friend of mine at church told us about a really cool zoo that was located in Colorado Springs, so naturally I begged Scott to take us :). It is called the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo and let me tell ya, it is the coolest zoo ever! What makes this zoo so unique is how up close you can be to all of the animals. We fed Giraffes, walked into a bird room where all of the birds were able to just free fly wherever they wanted, and walked through an area where wallabies weren't in cages! Even the animals that were in cages still felt super close to you. We were only 2 inches of plexi-glass away from two giant grizzly bears! And the best part was that Sophia loved it! We quite enjoyed it and will definitely be back to visit it again.

If you ever come to Colorado, I highly suggest visiting this zoo!