Sunday, May 25, 2014

New Home, New Blog!

Ok everyone, I am going to give this blog thing another try! I figured that since we have actually moved away, a blog might be a good idea to keep everyone filled in on what is going on with us and our new life here in Denver! Now, keep in mind that I am a mother to a very active, very energy-filled 7-month old little girl, so I will do my best to post when she is napping or playing by herself. I'll try my hardest to actually keep up on this blog (I couldn't remember my password or username to the other blog because it had been so long. Hence, the new blog :)).

Well, this first blog post is going to be all about our new life here in Denver. For everyone that might not be aware, Scott and I moved about 2 weeks ago so that he could attend Physical Therapy School at UC Denver's Medical campus for the next two and a half years. We actually live in Englewood, to be exact, about 30 minutes away from Denver. Guys, it is seriously the nicest, cutest part of Colorado ever! Scott's school is about 20-ish minutes away from our house, but when we saw the area and found our cute little apartment, we just couldn't say no to Englewood! and we're so glad that we didn't. we love love LOVE our new apartment! it has vaulted ceilings, a fire place, nice big bedrooms, HUGE walk-in closets (even baby girl has a walk-in... which means more clothes! :D), tile floors (REAL tile, not linoleum haha), air-conditioning, a security system, a deck, the list just keeps going! and our complex has a gym and a pool! We  have become gym rats this past week trying to work off all of the junk we ate moving down here, and Sophia just loves to hang out at the pool! Not necessarily in the pool, because the water was so cold the first time we went, but she loved the hot tub and laying out in her beach chair watching daddy swim laps :). Everyone here has been super nice (except our downstairs neighbors who have complained the Sophia makes to much noise- guess what? THAT'S WHAT BABIES DO!! ugh, something that won't be missed at all when we buy our house), and our church ward- AH-MAZ-ING!!!!! man, they are so nice and wonderful! We have already had dinner with one couple, and today we were invited to a bbq get-together, a gender reveal party and a monthly game group! They are the sweetest people ever, and I just love it. It will be hard to say goodbye to them when we leave, but that's not for two and a half more years, so we're good! :) Since we have been here, we have gone shopping, bought 3 gallons of blue bell ice cream (for those who don't know, blue bell is the end-all, be-all of ice cream in Scott's world, so we eat A LOT of it. Good thing we have a gym on-site!), and two days ago we went to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in Colorado Springs. It was the coolest Zoo ever!!!! It makes the hogle zoo look so silly! But I will do a post on that with pictures tomorrow :).

All in all, we love it here in Denver. We do miss our families though, and can't wait to see them! I will be coming home in June for a week for my sister's birthday and to do some things for my business, and then in August we will be in salt lake for two days for Scott's brother's wedding, and then I will be back in Idaho for another week while Scott flies home to take his finals, so let us know if you'd like to see us! Well that's it for now, but there will be MANY more posts to come, so keep an eye out for those, if you care to :).
Love you all!

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