Monday, June 16, 2014

The Best Two Years- Marriage Style!

Well today is Scott and I's two-year anniversary! Scott was telling me last night that in a very very good way (he was very clear about this haha), it feels like it's been so much longer than two years. In a way, I kind of agree with him, and I think that's because 1. we were engaged for FOREVER, and 2. We've done so many things in our life together, that it seems like it should've been longer for all of these events to occur, but they happened in such a short time! here's a little list for you:

1. We got our first apartment and moved me in first, a month before we got married, while Scott lived with a friend.

2. The big one: WE GOT MARRIED!!!! (finally :D)

3. We went on a fantastic honeymoon to San Diego, and went to sea world, the San Diego temple, and a padres baseball game.

4. After the honeymoon, we had to return back to reality. We worked, went to school, and celebrated holidays.

5. We always make time for date nights, though!

6. Probably the biggest event in our lives, aside from getting married... We found out that we were PREGNANT! :)

7. We waited "patiently" to find out what our little baby was :).

8. And it's a.... GIRL!!!! :)

9. We celebrated our 1 year anniversary!!! We went to Salt Lake, went to the temple, went shopping, enjoyed an awesome Tucanos dinner, and just had fun! We also built a "Build-a-Bear" for princess :). And we celebrated Father's Day, too!

10. I got bigger... and bigger... and bigger. Scott had to paint my toenails for me because of my belly :/

11. We set up the nursery in preparation for baby Sophia's arrival!

12. We applied for graduate Schools!!

13. We welcomed Scott's brother, Colbey, home from his mission, and gave him quite the surprise gift ;). (We didn't tell him about the baby!)

14. Sophia Grace Bentley arrived into our world on October 27, 2013 at 3:12 am! We fell in love instantly :).

15. We watched our baby grow :).

16. We flew out to Denver to interview for PT school!

17. And we continued to watch our baby grow like a weed!

18. And grad school is... UC Denver! :)

19. We graduated!

20. And then we had some family pictures taken.

21. And then we started a whole new chapter: we moved to Denver!

Wow! I actually didn't know of how much we've really done until I uploaded all of these photos! (And there's way more where these came from!)
We have been blessed with such an amazing life, and though there are ups and downs, I have enjoyed every minute of it. We, in my opinion, are the perfect team. We balance each other very well, and work together in everything that we do. I love Scott more and more each day, and I never thought it would be possible to love him more than I did the day we got married, but I do! These two years have been INCREDIBLE, to say the least, and I can't wait to see what the rest of this wonderful life has in store for us. Here's to us, babe, I love you so very much! And thanks to everyone who read this, I hope you enjoyed looking back on these last two years as much as I did :).