Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Pictures, Baseball and Bath time

So first off, we finally received our family pictures that we had taken in Utah right before we left, and we're so happy with how they turned out! Scott and I decided to have just pictures of our little family taken in Utah before the move, just to have them to remember our life in Utah, since that's where it all started :). They were taken by Jay Lynn Studios in Salt Lake, and our photographers name was Jacques. He was awesome! He worked so well with Sophia and got some really great pictures of her (and he even sent us a card telling us how beautiful he thought our family/daughter was. Go us! haha). Here's a look at some of them if you haven't seen them on Facebook yet:

Not going to lie, the last one is my favorite picture out of all of them :).
Yesterday, we went to a Braves game! Now for those of you who don't know why this is such a big deal, let me explain: My sweet husband is the biggest Braves fan that I know of. He constantly has ESPN pulled up on his phone every time they are playing, keeping track of every thing that they do. The last Braves game he went to was 15 years ago, so he was pretty excited about this :). I'm not gonna lie, I kinda fell in love with baseball while we were at the game. We took Sophia with us, so in between entertaining her and trying to get her to take a nap, I was able to really sit back and enjoy watching the game. It was almost serene and relaxing for me, is that weird? the sounds and smells and atmosphere really calmed me (a sporting event atmosphere, calming?). I know, i'm probably weird, but I definitely can't wait to go to another game! We are Rockies fans until they play the Braves (This was explained to me last night when I decided that I liked the Rockies and said it out loud :)). I'm working on getting the terminology and players names down, too. From what I have been told by the world's biggest Braves fan, the players and their positions are: 1st base- Freddie Freeman (that one is easy to remember because that was the shirt I was wearing haha), 2nd base- Tommy LaStella, Short Stop- Simba (No idea what his first name is, last name is Simmons but they call him Simba), 3rd base-?, catcher- Evan Gattis, left field- Jason Hayward, center field- BJ Upton, and right field- Justin Upton (the brothers, easy to remember haha). And then The pitcher was Gavin Floyd, but then in the last inning they put in our "lights out" pitcher, Craig Kimbrel, who threw a fastball at 98 mph!! So besides that unknown 3rd base man, I think I'm doing pretty well with getting to know the team :).

We had so much fun, and I can't wait to go back to Coors Field! 
And lastly, I was finally able to sneak some bath time photos in of Sophia, you know, for that wedding video she'll later have ;). We have such a cute child, I can't get over it!

Isn't she beautiful? :)
Well, that's all we've got for now, but tomorrow we are taking a tour of the Mint, So there will be a blog about that soon! Thanks for reading, love you all!

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