Monday, June 2, 2014

Just an update :)

Well I thought I would just write a little blog post to give everyone an update about how we're doing here in good old Denver. Scott started actual school today! (or as he likes to call it- big kid school!). Last Wednesday-Friday was just orientation, and today was the actual start of classes. His anatomy lab is 4 hours long!!! I could not handle that, I think I would go crazy. We're kind of loving the whole not working thing though (even though that means more loans which equals more debt, but hey, what're you gonna do? :P), because now when Scott is done with class, he's not running home to change into his scrubs and head back out the door to go to work, he actually gets to stay home! And there are some days during the week where he doesn't have class at all! So nice :). It's still crazy to the both of us to think that this is now the light at the end of the tunnel, that in just 2 and a half years, Scott will be a doctor of Physical Therapy (Look mom, I did end up marrying a doctor! ;) hahaha, I'm totally just kidding, I would've married Scott regardless of what he was going to school for, he actually didn't even pick PT until after we were married :)). And boy will we be glad when it's all over with! It's been a very long 2 years of University schooling, and I'm venturing to say it'll be a longer 2 and a half years of PT schooling ;). Nevertheless, we're so grateful for the opportunity that we've been given to have Scott get accepted into such an amazing school, we love the area where we live and have made so many wonderful new friends already. So far, so good! :)
Now to the more important part- our little princess, Sophia (because we all know Scott and I don't matter anymore). She is growing up WAY too fast! crawling, sitting up, talking, eating solids, smiling, pulling herself up onto things, and she should be getting her bottom teeth any day now (I've counted 4 buds that look like they'll start cutting through soon). I want her to stay little, even though I know that they bigger she gets, the more fun she'll be. She spends her days crawling around the apartment, getting into EVERYTHING, eating (she is her father's child), swimming at the pool and napping. I'm so excited that she has finally started to take naps on top of sleeping at night, because she NEVER used to nap. She would nap for maybe 15 minutes during the day, if I was lucky. It never affected her mood though, which surprised me. She was and still is the happiest baby I have yet to see :). But now, I can count on at least 2 one-and a half hour naps. It's awesome! :)
Well, that's all of the updates I have for now, but next week we're taking a tour of the Denver mint and going to a braves/Rockies game, so watch for the posts on those upcoming events!

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