Monday, September 22, 2014

Birthday Weekend!

Hey everyone! So one of the perks to having a birthday on a Sunday is that you get to have a birthday weekend! (I'm still trying to convince Scott that Sunday birthdays require a birthday week, but he seems to disagree. Some day he'll come around to it :)). So we started the birthday festivities on Friday, starting with Scott skipping school to hang out with Soph and I :) (Pardon my french, but I was thoroughly convinced that hell had frozen over at that point. Scott NEVER misses school, ever. So I felt pretty honored that he would miss school to hang out with me!). He helped me clean the house and make it look all pretty that morning, and then that night we headed down to Castle Rock to hit the outlet stores! (side note-  Castle Rock is beautiful! We are considering moving there if we could find Scott a good job. Huge houses built right in the middle of thousands of pine trees, say what? gorgeous place). Ever since we moved to Denver, there has been one thing that I have seen everywhere: Vera Bradley bags. I have wanted a Vera Bradley bag for a seriously long time, but the only flaw with these bags is that they are pretty pricey. And now I live in a place where they're EVERYWHERE! It made my craving that much worse. My aunts bought me a Vera Bradley diaper bag before Sophia was born, but I feel like that is more Soph's bag than mine. And, two months ago my mom and grandma stopped at our house on their way back to Idaho from Texas, and in walks my mom with a loot of Vera Bradley stuff! A bag, wallet, laptop case, coin purse (and she didn't think to bring me back a souvenir? I get a little something everywhere she goes! ugh!). She said that on their way through, they stopped at some outlet shops and there was a Vera Bradley outlet, where you can buy bags and such for 50-70% off! What?! I had to see it for myself. So when the time came for Scott to ask me what I wanted for my birthday, I had only one thing on my mind: Vera! Done. Scott took me to the outlet and let me pick out a bag. There were so many to choose from! Just one, Scott? I finally found the cutest little bag, and it was originally $100 and We only paid $33 for it! talk about a steal! I love it, I take it everywhere with me and it even has its own little spot in our room :) (yes, I am that weird. But it just sits on top of my Armour- style jewelry box, so that's not that weird, right?)
Happy Birthday to me! :)

 After our Vera visit, we headed back to Englewood and went to dinner at PF Chang's. Scott and I had never been there, and have heard that the food was delicious. When we got there, the wait for a table was an hour and a half (Friday night, oops. forgot about that). The hostess did say that the bar had available seating, and it was full service, so we said what the heck, bar it is! We got some pretty weird looks when we just ordered dr. pepper and water haha. It was a super fun experience for us since we don't get to have that many dates where it's just us, but in all honesty, I'd give the food a C. I didn't think it was all that good for what we paid for it (We're both big panda express fans so there's probably some bias there). But all in all it was a great night and we both had a great time just being together :).
Lettuce wraps: They were pretty good; Scott definitely liked them more than I did.

On saturday, we hung out around the house and played with Sophia a lot, since she was getting sent to a baby sitter again that night. After we dropped her off, we headed to the temple! This past week, Scott has really gotten into family history, and found a total of 181 names between both of our families! Needless to say, we've got some work to do! So we started off doing 50 baptisms and confirmations. It's always a great experience to go and do temple work, but it is that much cooler when you are doing it for your own family :). Way to be, Scott! Thanks for saving our families! ;). Then on our way home we decided that we didn't feel like cooking that night, so we stopped and got steak burgers from this new place called Freddy's. Again, C average food. Not all that great.

Sunday, my actual birthday! It was the primary program at church, and those are always so fun to watch :). Then Scott came home and made me a Devil's food cake with chocolate frosting, sprinkles and cookies and cream ice cream. Just what I had asked for :). And then I finally got to eat some A+ food- Scott made me honey-lime chicken enchiladas, my favorite! It was a great day of just relaxing and spending time with my cute little family :).
Notice the jersey- my team won! Yet another awesome addition to my birthday weekend :)

Too many candles....

Sophia is practicing for next month! Oh how we love her :)
Well, that was how I spent my birthday! It was great. Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, I love you all :). 

Here are the next 6 journal prompts:
13.Robert Frost wrote a poem called The Road not Taken. Name a road you have always wanted to travel. Where do you hope it takes you?
14.Name one thing you have always wanted to do, but haven't. What has prevented you from doing it?
15. Write about your first kiss.
16. What was the worst mistake or decision you have ever made in your life? what could you have done differently?
17. What song was stuck in your head recently?
18.Describe 5 things you want to see or do before it's too late.

Thanks for reading everyone! Stay tuned, because next month is going to be legen-wait for it-dary! ("How I Met Your Mother" reference). It is Sophia's 1st birthday and 1st actual halloween! (she was only 4 days old last year haha). 


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