Saturday, September 13, 2014

Just another day in the Bentley life/journal prompt challenge!

Well not much is happening these days in "Bentley Land". It did snow here on thursday, though. I thought that was pretty cool! I love fall and winter, they are my absolute favorite time of the year. Scott, however, rushed right to the medicine cabinet and started looking for the imaginary Prozac. It snowed thursday, was kinda cold on friday, and then was 80 degrees today. I guess Colorado weather is just as bipolar as Idaho and Utah weather, YAY!
Since it was such a nice day today, Scott and I took princess Sophie to this really awesome park called Centennial Park. It was probably about 6 acres and had a splash pad, gigantic slides, party/event hosting areas, rock climbing walls, and these really cool saucer swings that can fit 2 or more people on them. I think Scott and I were having way more fun than Sophia was:

 And then we came home, played, ate dinner, played, worked out, took a bath (which left us with this awesome hair-do), played, ate a bedtime bottle, and finally crashed!
                                                             Isn't she just so adorable?!
This last week I was invited to a craft night by a bunch of girls from our ward (I seriously was like a little kid getting invited to the big birthday party). We made these cute little holiday blocks that can be used for a holiday of your choice! They're super easy to make, so of course I'm going to post how to make them :).
You need:
a wood block (sanded)
decorative paper
white paint
foam paint brushes

So all you need to do is paint the block white, let it dry for a few minutes and then modge podge the decorative paper of your choice onto one side (I chose to do halloween and christmas). after that, cute out a stencil of something festive for the holiday of your choice (pumpkin, tree, cat, turkey, etc.) out of a different decorative paper. Modge podge that onto the block and voila, holiday block! (flip block and repeat :)). Super easy, cheap and cute! I went back in and added some glitter and ribbon to mine, so be creative with it!
And like I said I would, here are the next 6 journal prompts! (I have no idea if anybody is even doing this, but I guess I have to keep posting them in case someone actually is haha). I've been keeping up on mine and it's really fun to go back and read some of my responses.
7. What are your religious beliefs? have they changed, or always stayed the same?
8.When was your last food craving, and what did you crave?
9.Who was your first crush and what made them special?
10.Name your most cherished childhood memory.
11.Turn to a journal entry from a year ago. What has changed?
12.What is one thing no one knows about you, because nobody cared to ask?

Well that's it for now. I know, we are just the most interesting people ever. HAHA :)
Until next time!
Amanda, Scott and baby Sophia

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